Thursday, January 27, 2011

My trailer is packed and ready to go-now I get to design stuff

My living room is now clear of the two show setups. Everything is in the Yukon and the Airstream other than inventory and food. I have a moment to relax. I have been working over a design in my head for months. Everytime I tried to design in in CAD it ended up looking ugly. After I saw that I might be able to relax for a little while before I pull out for Tucson Saturday morning it came to me.

I have always liked the infinity sign - it is seen as the number 8 in Chinese. I wanted to make a design using this symbol. I wanted it to be fairly large 40x12 mm (1.6 inches by .5 inch) but light and easy to use without a mechanical movement and secure. This is how I try to design all the clasps now especially now that metal prices are so high.
Double Infinity Clasp
I like the idea of using such a powerful symbol as a clasp. I hope that the designers that use my clasps think that the clean light lines of this clasp will work well in their neckaces and bracelets.

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